Cookies Policy

This cookie statement is intended to inform you about the use of cookies, what types of cookies we use, and why we use them. We are committed to full transparency about your privacy when using our website. In the rest of this cookie statement you will find all the essential information about it.

We use the following types of cookies:


Cookies de análise

Utilizamos softwares analíticos de terceiros para coletar informações estatísticas sobre os visitantes do nosso site. Esses plugins podem compartilhar o conteúdo que você fornece para terceiros. Recomendamos que você leia as políticas de privacidade deles.

Google Analytics
2 Years

Register a unique ID for a website visitor and track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics.

Google Analytics
1 minute

Used to control the request rate.

Google Analytics
24 hours

Records a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics.

Cookies estritamente necessários

Os cookies necessários ajudam a tornar um site utilizável, permitindo funções básicas como navegação de página e acesso a áreas seguras do site.

30 Years

They are technical cookies, strictly necessary for the correct functioning of the server. They do not contain any information that could identify a user or that could be used by third parties.

At the end of the session

Server session ID when session management is enabled. A new hexadecimal JSESSIONID is always created at the start of each browser session. Although JSESSIONID replaces CFID / CFTOKEN as the actual "Session ID", the server creates CFID and CFTOKEN values to track client information. This allows safe manipulation of client-scope variables. The combination of CFID, CFTOKEN and JSESSIONID makes up the Session.

Deleting or disabling cookies
You can delete or disable cookies through your browser settings. However, you must bear in mind that deleting or disabling cookies may lead to inconvenience when using our website that would not have happened if you had consented to the use of cookies.

In the links below, you will find information on how to delete or disable cookies from your browser settings:

Changes to this cookie statement
Belov Egenharia may change this cookie statement at any time without prior notice. This could happen due to changes in cookie regulations, changes to our website, or another reason. Be sure to check out this cookie statement regularly to stay up to date with any changes.

Cookie statement updated on 16/09/2021
2016 - 2024. Belov. All rights reserved.
Powered by: Click Interativo | Digital Agency

We use cookies to store information about how you use our website and the pages you visit. Everything to make your experience as pleasant as possible. For more information, see our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. To understand the types of cookies we use, click on Options. By clicking I accept, you consent to the use of cookies.

Accepted Options


We want to be transparent about what data we and our partners collect and how we use it, so that you can better control your personal data. For more information, see our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that are saved on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit a website.

We use the necessary cookies to make the website work as well as possible and to always improve our services.

Some cookies are classified as necessary and enable core functionality such as security, network management and accessibility. These cookies can be collected and stored as soon as you start browsing or when you use a feature that requires them.

Manage Consent Preferences

Utilizamos softwares analíticos de terceiros para coletar informações estatísticas sobre os visitantes do nosso site. Esses plugins podem compartilhar o conteúdo que você fornece para terceiros. Recomendamos que você leia as políticas de privacidade deles.

Block / Activate
Google Analytics
Google Analytics 4

Os plugins são usados ​​para rastrear visitantes em websites. A intenção é exibir anúncios relevantes e atraentes para o usuário individual e, portanto, mais valiosos para editores e anunciantes terceirizados.

Block / Activate
Google Tag Manager

São aqueles que permitem a você navegar pelo site e usar recursos essenciais, como áreas seguras, por exemplo. Esses cookies não guardam quaisquer informações sobre você que possam ser usadas em ações de comunicação de produto ou serviço ou para lembrar as páginas navegadas no site.

Block / Activate